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Chapter 1: Game 3

A Wild Goose Chase after Bears

18 February 2023

Lux introduced Lokur to the rest of the party and they filled Molly and Finn in on the strange events that had occurred in the Squirming Octopus tavern, while they had been asleep. Finn welcomed Lokur to the party and with a hug and a scoop, lifted the Sea Elf into his arms. Flustered and embarrassed, Lokur tried to hide her face and caught completely off guard had no idea who "Charles the Octopus was" that Finn asked, with little room for awkwardness left, the party set off to find Jax.

In addition to the map that Lux and Lokur had been given, the innkeeper, Mandol Rene, also handed them a pouch that contained a blue gem. He told them that the gem would help them on their journey to the keep. When the magic properties were spent, the gem could be exchanged for 50 gold pieces.

For the first hour of the journey, things were uneventful, until Molly thought she spotted three figures moving in the grass. Three gruff and wild boars were interested in causing the party some damage, but Molly's warning gave Finn an opportunity to ask them to leave, which they did!

Another hour into the journey, and Finn plucked at slightly out of tune harp strings that shone with iridescence while whistling and humming a tune. Molly stopped Finn and tuned the harp. As Finn continued to play, tiny birds and critters came out of the bushes and trees, perching atop his shoulder and head.

An ominous atmosphere filled the air, in the tall grass, the party could make out the silhouettes of two bears. With a flurry of blows, and spells, arrows and bolts the bears were defeated. The bears, knocked unconscious after some clever diversion tactics, some frantic maneuvering and a few well placed blows, were dragged off to the side of the road and left to sleep off their injuries. Molly made sure Lux was healed while the Sea Elf, curious to see if the Quill Token actually worked, managed to conjure a Giant Oak for the party to rest under, while they gathered their wits.

This adventure has already taught them more than they ever thought they would learn about the world around them.

Rested, they set off again, this time with a new sense of confidence and a new found respect for the world around them. The path led into a road, and the party was able to travel at a slightly faster pace. But then, Finn put one large hand up in the air, and they came to a wordless halt, when we showed them to be "very quiet" and "very still". A large figure sat in the open grass, two gigantic clubs rested up against his torso.

Still as statues, and still recovering from the chaotic and exhausing battle with bears and narrowly escaping an ambush by wild boars, the party did not want to push theur luck. They narrowly managed to pass by the Giant undetected.