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Chapter 1: Game 8

19 August 2023

Secrets of the Blind Guest Inn

After their heroic act of rescuing the Fisher from the jaws of the Giant frog, the group questioned him about the spate of disappearances in the area. With a grave tone, he hinted towards the Blind Guest Inn & Pub. The inn, made of clay, stood proud with a peculiar sign of a closed eye and a fork at one corner. A tankard rested at the other end. A warm, mouthwatering aroma beckoned them inside.

Eritrea's eyes darted suspiciously. "This seems too good to be true," she mumbled. Flint shrugged, noting nothing out of the ordinary. Molly, however, remembered tales of the inn. "This place used to buzz with activity. The calmness is unusual."

Inside, they sought the innkeeper. Their eyes landed on a scarred, unkempt man beneath the bar. Molly approached, expressing her eagerness for their famous ale. The barman, with deep-set eyes, replied, "Wait here." Moments later, he returned with a keg, explaining their halted production due to declining business. The cause? Rumors of the undead.

Molly took the stage, filling the inn with melodies, while the rest of the party mingled. As evening approached, the innkeeper, Brannon, proposed they investigate the undead's source, hinting at a nearby mausoleum.

Dressed heavily in weapons, from short bows to daggers, Brannon led the way. The enormous entrance to the mausoleum was littered with goblin-like footprints. Brannon, wielding his longsword, indicated the path forward.

Inside, they found an expansive crypt, complete with stone stairways and chilling breezes. Faint whispers echoed, suggesting the presence of Orc-ish speakers. Eritrea sneaked ahead and was met with a horrifying sight: a vast room filled with the undead and heaps of bodies.

Relaying her findings, Brannon identified the creatures as Norkers, whom they'd previously encountered. The team devised a plan of attack, but chaos soon erupted.

Brannon unleashed his prowess, swiftly taking down one Norker. The creatures retaliated, managing to injure Eritrea and Molly. The scene became a dance of blades and spells, with the party members pushing back their assailants.

The shadows were the most formidable foes, draining the strength from anyone they touched. Brannon felt their wrath most keenly, dropping to his knees, drained of vigor. Despite their weariness, the group rallied. Flint, seizing Brannon's enchanted longsword, struck the final blow, causing the last shadow to dissipate with a piercing shriek.

The battle's dust settled, revealing two familiar faces among the lifeless heap: Fynn and Lux.

And so, with heavy hearts and a growing sense of urgency, their adventure pressed on.