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Chapter 1: Game 4

18 March 2023

Hey there Molly Heads!

Well, We've been adventuring and let me tell you something. After being nearly scared half to death by a half-giant, we got to a keep. We were greeted by a mysterious man with lots of tattoos and red robes.

Now y'all know me, and I think everyone has got a story, so I was super delighted when he invited us in and started being super spooky and mysterious and telling us he knows what we are looking for. Then he told us a story and let me tell y'all, it was a super epic, but I'll try and condense it here.

Velnius and Karrell

Once upon a time there were two rival gods: Velnius, god of the sky and weather; and Karrell, god of the underworld. Karrell was envious of Velnius' powers and decided to wage war against him to try and take over his position. The war ravaged the land with many natural disasters.

Karrell eventually met with an Unnamed Wizard ("He Who Shall Not Be Named?") and struck a bargain for "He Who Shall Not Be Named" to create a spell that would kill and steal Velnius' powers. Karrell lured Velnius into a trap and fought with him. Velnius was more powerful however and struck down Karrell, but "He Who Shall Not Be Named" was there and hit Velnius with the spell. Velnius Struggled, and did not succumb fully to the spell but was very weakened.

Karrell returned to the underworld, bitter, defeated, and sulking. "He Who Shall Not Be Named" escaped, and the weakened Velnius spent a long time search for the Wizard. Eventually, Velnius tracked down "He Who Shall Not Be Named" and confronted him. They fought each other but even in his weakened state, "He Who Shall Not Be Named" was no match for Velnius. Velnius was triumphant and broke the spell, returning his full power to him.

Onward and Southward My Friends

One of my companions eventually chimed in very excitedly, "Friends, I believe this is the Wizard Jax we have been looking for!" to which Jax replied he was.

Now, dear friends, y'all know that the company I keep tends to be on the nicer side. So let me tell y'all, I was stunned when our host revealed he was a Red Wizard. Or, well, at least he used to be. I think everyone makes mistakes, and knowing that he can admit his wrong doing is a huge first step on the pathway to redemption. So please, dear reader, do not judge Jax too harshly.

Jax informed us that in order to go north to find the sword we seek, we must first head south to the Temple of Tharizdun and that many have gone before us to seek what we are looking for. Those who have returned have been changed forever, and perhaps death is a better end.

Boy howdy, Jax is a real Donny Downer.

Jax continues that there is an important piece of information in the temple. A Scroll. Jax lost the scroll and no longer has it. When pressed about why he no longer has it, he admits it is complicated and is a regret from his younger life. I let him know that I've had ugly breakups like this too and I ask if there are any other belongings we need to pick up for him.

Jax becomes frustrated and says that his ex is "not" the black cyst. this sounds like a really ugly break up. Lux suggests a good therapist may be in order. Jax firmly yet politely reminds us that the fate of the planes is in our hands.

Jax continues that we should stop at the Kershane Monastry in the Yatil Mountains on the way to the temple. there are a group of druids that will help us venture to the temple.

Finn asks if Jax will give us anything to help with this trip. Jax gives him a harness-belt thing. But y'all, Let me tell you, this man knows me well (and is clearly a Molly Head deep down inside) and gives me some rhinestone armor. It is beautiful. A bit heavy, but I'll work with it.

We spent the night and nothing of interest happened except for a really good sleep.

The next morning we are escorted by unseen servants down to the library where we see Jax. We have our friendly morning greetings and small talk, when suddenly a group of goblinoids attack us. Jax attacks them once and then peaces out.

Finn transformed in to a bear, we manage to take out most of them, and Jax jumps back in at the last second and takes out the last one. Suspicious?


Anyway, I hope all you Molly Heads out there are living well, and remember: Ditching your guests in the middle of a fight is poor hospitality.

Love Y'all, Molly Peasov